On air_en

„Wohin fuehrt der Weg? Kam gre pot? Quale meta di viaggio?“ is a broadcast on Radio Agora (agora.at) about multilingualism in the Alps-Adriatic-region. On April, 17th, 2021 Walter Wratschko, this series‘ master mind, interviewed me about my passion for my work and for languages, about my activities with SIETAR Austria and SIETAR Europa, and my current professional projects in the fields of migration and vision finding for company founders. I enjoyed so much emphasising the enrichment we gain by fostering diversity and multilingualism.

Here is the link to the broadcast about „my intercultural journey“ (original: Wohin fuehrt derinterkulturelle Weg?): https://cba.fro.at/497277


The second interview was for radio OE1. A young, enthusiastic editor is designing a broadcast about and for founders. As I am passionate about working with entrepreneurs on their visions and the implementation of those she asked me for an interview about what is important when starting with an own company.

It will be on air inJuly. The link to the broadcast will follow then.


I love what I do. I do what I love.